WATCO Contractor Series
The Watco Contractor Series is a user friendly, easy to understand water softener. With a properly set the time and program all you have to do is keep salt in it! The Contractor Series allows each system’s settings to be optimized for maximum water conservation. The Contractor Series is ordered with a choice of time clock, for scheduled cycles, or a water meter with digital logic which allows forecasting of water consumption based on actual usage.
Contractor Series Control Center
The Contractors Series Valve is powered by a motor-driven piston to assure reliability in every cycle.
The Noryl® valve body is corrosion resistant, has no screws or fasteners, and is easy to service.
The Contractors Series system is fully 1” with a choice of 3/4” to 1-1/4” pipe connections to fit your requirements.
Attractive System
The optional hard shell thermal cabinet, that protects against condensation, is black with black trim and has a matching brine tank.
The Resin tank has a smooth inner tank that is spun wrapped in fiberglass for exceptional strength. Tanks are made of FDA approved materials.
The Contractors Series high capacity resin, while being the most durable, also ensures the most efficient use of salt.
Design Options
The Contractors Series offers two primary designs:
The resin scrubber removes build up on the resin beads which makes it ideal for rusty well water.
A conventional straight tube distributor is available for applications requiring high flow rates.
The system includes the 15” x 17” x 36” salt tank made of rugged, seamless, polyethylene. Two different sizes of brine tanks are available to help fit the Contractors Series into most any space.
The Contractors Series includes a safety brine system to provide shut down in the event of a failure, preventing brine overflow.
No Mushy Salt
The Contractors Series includes a salt shelf which keeps the bulk of the salt out of the water, eliminating the mushing and bridging experienced in conventional system.
Spec Sheet: WATCO Contractor Series

The Watco Contractor Series is a user friendly, easy to understand water softener.

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